Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

This is the first year I get to hand out candy to all the princesses and goblins lurking in my neighborhood!  Growing up in the country, I never had the opportunity to hand out candy because we didn't have a lot of neighbors.  We also were never home to hand out candy because my mom would drive us around to different parts of my hometown and county to trick or trick.  Now that I live in a suburb community I have many neighbors with a lot of young kids, so I'm sure we'll get a few!

Hope your holiday is spooktacular!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog Debut

Hi!  My name is Megan!  Thanks for visiting my blog!  I've been bouncing the idea around to start a blog for quite some time, so here I am!  Writing has always been an interest of mine, so it's no surprise I have finally made my blogging debut!  The purpose of this blog is not only to help me fulfill my enjoyment of writing, but also to give me a different platform to share my discoveries with others.  I want this blog to be useful and easy to navigate.  I encourage feedback and recommendations for topics and tips!

So you might be curious behind the name of my blog... Well I have an explanation!  I've always had a fascination with chickadees.  They are the cutest birds to watch at a bird feeder, their shape is petite and bubbly, their coloring is soft, their demeanor is gentle and trusting, and they have a simple and easy-to-listen whistle.  They are just a happy bird.  If I was a bird I would be a chickadee -  I associate happiness with these birds, and you as my reader, I want you to go to a happy place to revel in something other than your busy day - therefore, Chickadee's Corner is born!

In this blog I will write about my new discoveries and inspirations and incorporate them into something beneficial for you.  Please let me know if you have any requests!

More content will come soon!

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you back soon!